

MUSOC is an officially constituted incorporated society. Our Constitution governs the way that the Executive Committee is formed, decisions are made, and shows are performed.

Proposal Process

A proposal is essentially the beginning of any show MUSOC produces. The process guide gives you all the information you need to propose a MUSOC show.

Executive Nominations

Before an AGM, those wishing to run for a role on the Executive need to be nominated.


An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held once a year. This is where the new exec nominations will run, alongside any new constitutional amendments.

UCSA Affiliaiton Policies

To explain and regulate the relationship between the UCSA and the affiliated clubs. This recognizes that UCSA affiliated clubs exist as separate and distinct legal entities to the UCSA, usually in the form of an unincorporated or incorporated society. It also recognizes and values the positive outcomes structured clubs can bring to campus.

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